Alan Ferguson Head of Grounds and Estates at St George’s Park, home of the national football centre explains why the Koro Field Top Maker is an essential part of any pitch renovation programme.

“With the demands on groundsmen to continuously produce top class pitches it’s a must. The use of the parks pitches since we opened has been unbelievable. We are still running at 84% occupancy of the pitches. Renovation of the pitches can be difficult when time is at a premium.

I don’t believe effective renovation can be achieved without using a Field TopMaker and the Koro is undoubtedly top of its class.

I first used the Koro system to great effect at Ipswich Town FC before moving to St. Georges Park. Since then two more rotor options have been added – Universe® and Terraplane® rotors. In any one season the pitches will perform differently and I like to have the options that the Koro Field TopMaker offers. These make the Koro system very versatile in delivering a complete renovation programme.

The technique of removing all herbage has been enhanced even further with the new Terraplane®. Surface cleaning, with almost a complete removal of all herbage in one pass, is unrivalled. Even in damp conditions the volume of material removed is impressive.

We have been very pleased with the performance of the renovation kit we have assembled on site from Campey Turf Care and they have been an essential partner for us in achieving the success going forward.”

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