Campey Turf Care

Logan Leigh – Blog 2

Week 2 I spent the weekend with Ian Campbell, he was nice enough to give me his ticket for the last home game of the season for Manchester United, it was by far one of the best experiences I’ve had, and my first “football” game! This week I was out on the road with Ian [...]

Logan Leigh – Blog 22017-05-31T10:50:39+01:00

Logan Leigh – Blog 1

Week 1 I just arrived at Richard Campeys’ house from Manchester airport, I spent a good time with him at his house learning about the U.K. and how different it is from the USA. Mr. Campey was very patient and willing to give me a ride to a room in the Travelodge where I was [...]

Logan Leigh – Blog 12017-05-24T10:22:18+01:00

Aston Villa Training Grounds Eased by Koro FTM

Playing Demands on Aston Villa Training Grounds Eased by Koro Field TopMaker Aston Villa Football Club training grounds manager Graeme Farmer is using a Koro Field TopMaker with the new Universe® Rotor to transform the management of the training grounds. His approach to end-of-season maintenance will bring new techniques to the high-pressure playing schedules on [...]

Aston Villa Training Grounds Eased by Koro FTM2020-01-21T20:45:22+00:00
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