Week 7

I spent the week working around the yard helping with lots of different jobs, such as fixing tires for machines, organizing parts for the parts shop, and even getting to shrink wrap some machines before they went out for delivery.

For the weekend, I got a train down to London. I spent the first afternoon in London at the British Museum. I was able to see the Rosetta Stone, and other famous artifacts from throughout history.

I spent the next day on a walking tour of the royal part of London seeing places like Buckingham Palace, where I even got to witness the changing of the guards, Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, and Westminster Abbey. I then took a tour of Camden and learned the history of music that came from Camden, people like Amy Winehouse.

The last day I had in London, I went to the London Tower and toured it, where I got to see the crown jewels and learning lots about the history of London and how the Kings and Queens ruled the land. I had a chance to walk under the tower bridge and even make at stop at Platform 9 and ¾ from the Harry Potter movies.

It was a very exciting weekend out, with lots of history to learn and sights to see. I am off to spend my next week working in the south part of England with Ben Taylor.