AFC Telford United are part of what has become a familiar story in football with only their supporters trust standing between them and extinction in 2004 when the current club was formed from Telford United.

Whilst off the pitch problems had been solved over the past 12 years the more recent issue of Poa annua grass had to be tackled by head groundsman Mick Conway, winner of the Football Conference Groundsman of the year award in the 2009-10 season.

The issues faced at New Bucks Head, which also plays host to Wolverhampton Wanderers under 21 team, are a common maintenance problem for non-league clubs but with some help from the Championship side the surface has improved.

Wolves offered their assistance in the matter and ALS Contract Services were brought in along with their Koro Field Top Maker (FTM) fitted with Terraplane® rotor, to clear the pitch of Poa annua and allow it to be completely reseeded, as Mick explains.

“As soon as Wolves, ALS Contract Services and Amenity Land Solutions became involved, things have gone from strength to strength.

“The surface is unquestionably stable, holding together and playable. To turn it around in such a short space of time from the Poa annua sward we had only a few weeks ago, really bodes well for having a pitch everyone at the club can be proud of during the coming season.”

When purchasing the Koro FTM 2000 ALS Contracts manager, Dave Harvey, knew it could clear the surface with minimal damage in a timely and cost effective manner whilst the decision to purchase the additional Scarifying Rotor allowed them to clear thatch and other organic matter.

“It will enable us to remove unwanted surface material cleanly and efficiently,” he said.

“And when used in conjunction with the rest of our renovation fleet we can ensure that turf surfaces can be returned to play quickly and cost effectively.”