Impressive Results: Fraze Mowing Bermuda Grass – by Jerad Minnick
The impact of fraze mowing bermuda grass is beginning to show. Fields that were “cleaned off” at Maryland SoccerPlex and at FC Dallas Park are all setting themselves apart.

Maryland SoccerPlex fields that were “cleaned off” are illustrating improved wear tolerance, even just 6 weeks after fraze mowing. During a lacrosse tournament last weekend, SoccerPlex Patriot bermuda grass fields hosted 34 lacrosse matches per bermuda grass field in rainy, humid conditions. The durability from the fraze mowed fields was far superior. The treatments have been the same; no fertilizer and 1 pass w/ 3/8″ hollow coring tines on 1″ centers; accept that the non-fraze mowed fields were scarified to promote recovery. The results follow….

For photos see
Fields Not Fraze Mowed:
Day 1: Bermuda grass Field That was Not Fraze Mowed
Day 7 of Recovery on Fields Not Fraze Mowed

Because bermuda grass is so quick to recover, it is accepted before such a lacrosse event that the bermuda grass will nearly be completely worn away. The bermuda is able to recover completely within 2-3 weeks even at this pace.
Then that is compared to the fields that were fraze mowed 6 week prior to hosting 34 lacrosse matches in 4 days.

For photos see
Day 1: Field That Was Fraze Mowed
Day 7 of Recovery on Fraze Mowed Field

The results speak for themselves. Yes, in both pictures the field is extremely worn initially on Day 1. However, look closer and compare the amount of green tissue remaining on the ground in the fraze mowed picture compared to the field not fraze mowed. The field not fraze mowed is nearly all dirt where new bermuda will need to push back up through the soil or have sprigs added to the area. The fraze mowed field still has nearly 75% cover, so the plants can quickly grow back in the worn area.

For photos see
Keep in mind that fraze mowing took place only 6 weeks prior on 3 fields:
Fraze Mowing w/ KORO Universe Field Topmaker
Field Comparisons In 6 Weeks Before 34 Lacrosse Games

Because of the increase in durability of the fraze mowed bermuda grass, it is recovering in only 1 week. Not only does this allow the field to recover faster, but it can allow for the fields to sustain even more play. Win. Win.

So WHY is the difference so vast already?

For photos see
1) Re-growth is more durable: Just 6 weeks after the field was cleaned off completely, the re-growth back up through the soil is much stronger. The number of growing points has multiplied and the cleats go into the soil instead of thatch to reduce shearing/ tearing/ increasing traction.

2) Organic removal reduces moisture and compaction potential: During the 4 day lacrosse tournament, wet and rainy conditions prevailed. The drying speed of the fraze mowed fields was much faster than the non-fraze mowed fields, and the 3 fields that were “cleaned off” historically hold water the longest. WHY? The organic layer was removed, so water was not held in the organic layer as long and allowed to soak into the native soil faster. The organic removal also reduced the compaction potential at the soil surface.

For photos see
The FC Dallas Training Field is also experiencing similar superior wear tolerance:
FC Dallas 1st Team Training Field:
Organic/ Thatch Build Up in 2012
Thatch/ Organic Build Up AFTER Fraze Mowing in 2013

The pictures also illustrate the difference in the quality of the bermuda grass re-growth. Without having to grow up through thatch and having more growing points, the picture illustrates how much stronger the bermuda grass is after fraze mowing. Additionally, the poa is removed as well.

The FC Dallas Training field has been in use daily for nearly 3 months and is illustrating superior wear tolerance, especially through the high traffic areas:

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