Frilford Heath Golf Club, Oxfordshire, has become the first in the UK to purchase a VGR Top Changer and course manager, Sid Arrowsmith, has big plans for the machine.

The acquisition of the VGR Top Changer came through a need to introduce more sand into the upper profile of the golf greens across the three 18 hole courses at Frilford and in turn make a connection through the profile for better drainage and root development.

The Top Changer is a perfect choice because it provides the ultimate in aeration improvement – laying the foundations for achieving excellent turf.

It combines the actions of aeration and sanding in one efficient process. Weighing in at only 903kgs with a working width of 5.2ft, the closely spaced row of holes are immediately filled with sand and both liquid and solid amendments.

This allows a path for air and water to penetrate the top layer of soil and be absorbed directly into the root zone to encourage rapid growth and healthy development of the grass. The sand retains the stability of the holes and over a period of time the VGR Top Changer will completely change the top surface without any disruption to play.

Already aware of the machine through Campeys, Sid – one of only 61 BIGGA Master Greenkeepers – was given a demonstration and then proceeded to buy the VGR Top Changer without hesitation.

He now plans to use it with the aim of improving drainage generally across the course but also targeting some of the older greens around the course that has hosted European Tour qualifying three years running, PGA EuroPro Tour, England Golf ‘Golf Week’ festival and is set to welcome the Regional Qualifying for the Open Championship.

“As the course is built on a heathland site here in Oxfordshire, drainage is usually pretty good,” Sid explained. “But there are one or two of the early greens which have been built on slightly denser material and consequently suffer from aeration and compaction issues.”

“We are hoping that introducing sand into the upper profile will improve the soil structure of these poorer draining areas.”

“With this machine you have the dual action of incorporating the sand and water or just using it for liquid injection. In which case we can use a wetting agent or apply trace elements into the root zone as and when we choose.”

Sid has no doubt that over a relatively short period of time all of the greens on the course will perform equally well following treatment with the VGR Top Changer.