Stoke City Football Club Head Groundsman Andrew Jackson is delighted with the performance of his Vredo DZ Compact Seeder. Now coming up for its second year, Andrew has had a whole season to evaluate the effectiveness of this little dynamo of a machine.

Over-seeding regularly helps maintain a healthy, robust sward. The difference with the Vredo method of over-seeding is that it allows you to resume play immediately. The seed is placed directly into the soil and covered up. This process also encourages fast germination with almost 100% uptake of seed.

“Although we use the Vredo for overseeding throughout the year – particularly in heavy use areas such as the six yard box – its primary function is to help with the pre-season preparations and post season renovations,” explained Andrew.
Autumn renovations began in September and the over-seeding was completed by the beginning of October. Three weeks later and the pitches are already showing 95% grass cover on the training pitches.

“It is the fast recovery that is so essential for the quality of play on the pitch,” said Andrew. “I put this down to the 75mm close spacings on the Vredo. The seed pattern is very tight and with the excellent germination rate, the result is impressive. It’s easy to use, easy to calibrate and maintain. All in all – money well spent.”

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