
Logan Leigh – Blog 2

Week 2 I spent the weekend with Ian Campbell, he was nice enough to give me his ticket for the last home game of the season for Manchester United, it was by far one of the best experiences I’ve had, and my first “football” game! This week I was out on the road with Ian [...]

Logan Leigh – Blog 22017-05-31T10:50:39+01:00

Logan Leigh – Blog 1

Week 1 I just arrived at Richard Campeys’ house from Manchester airport, I spent a good time with him at his house learning about the U.K. and how different it is from the USA. Mr. Campey was very patient and willing to give me a ride to a room in the Travelodge where I was [...]

Logan Leigh – Blog 12017-05-24T10:22:18+01:00

The Campey Turf Care Systems 2017 Euro Pitch Renovation Tour Begins in France

The Campey Turf Care Systems 2017 Euro Pitch Renovation Tour has commenced in France, with another nine countries to visit before the final date on 6th June in Rotterdam, Holland. The tour begins in France at the Parc de Haye, Nancy, before moving on to Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, Belgium [...]

The Campey Turf Care Systems 2017 Euro Pitch Renovation Tour Begins in France2017-04-28T16:21:37+01:00

Koro® TopDrain Saves Times and Money For Bourne Amenity

Bourne Amenity has seen a dramatic increase in the speed they can carry out drainage works along with time labour and time savings since purchasing a Koro TopDrain 1500 from Campey Turf Care Systems. The decision to obtain a machine from Campey came after consistent recommendations for it to be used on projects by varying [...]

Koro® TopDrain Saves Times and Money For Bourne Amenity2017-09-01T11:53:11+01:00

Woodhall Spa Golf Club Bring In Year Round Aeration With Air2g2

It is well known that aeration is one of the most important practices carried out by greenkeepers, and that fact is why Woodhall Spa Golf Club has acquired an Air2G2 from Campey Turf Care Systems, via the dealer Burdens. The sprawling 36-hole complex includes the world renowned Hotchkin Course, and is home to the National [...]

Woodhall Spa Golf Club Bring In Year Round Aeration With Air2g22017-03-22T14:08:52+00:00

ShockWave and RotoKnife To Keep The Channels Open At York Racecourse

Campey Turf Care Systems has supplied York Racecourse with an Imants Shockwave and Rotoknife as they continue to adopt new methods in a bid to maintain their course in the best condition possible. Significant drainage works were carried out in 2008 to assist in removing surface water from the racing surface, which is situated on [...]

ShockWave and RotoKnife To Keep The Channels Open At York Racecourse2017-03-22T14:31:38+00:00

New England Field Renovation

New England Field Renovation US Pitchcare performed a renovation to a baseball and soccer field with a total of 4 people over 2 days. After completing the renovation the fields received only 1.05" of rain with no additional irrigation supplementation. The fields were playable in 28 days after the project started. READ THE FEATURE HERE [...]

New England Field Renovation2017-03-10T12:43:02+00:00

Fraze Mowing – What – Why – When – How

UNIVERSE® FRAZE MOWING - WHAT - WHY - WHEN - HOW UNIVERSE® Fraze Mowing is a process designed to remove the thatch, organic matter and weed seed from the top layer of a grass surface (¼”-¾” down). While removing this detrimental build up, Universe® Fraze Mowing allows the strongest existing grass plants to remain. This [...]

Fraze Mowing – What – Why – When – How2017-03-10T12:40:08+00:00

My Experience with the Air2g2 by Zachary LaPorte

This last year we purchased the Air2g2. There was a lot of hype about this machine in the sports field industry there seemed to be relatively little information about the use in the golf course industry.   I first saw the Air2g2 at the Spanish greenkeeper conference in 2014 in Malaga at the Campey stand.  I [...]

My Experience with the Air2g2 by Zachary LaPorte2017-03-22T14:36:49+00:00

The Campey Turf Care Pro-Am

PGA - The Campey Turf Care Pro-Am on Tuesday 23rd May 2017 FREE ENTRY to any member of Greens staff or Greens Chairman holding a CONGU Handicap. A Professional will be allocated to play alongside you following the closing date of the event. If you would like to play with a specific Professional please state [...]

The Campey Turf Care Pro-Am2017-01-24T13:45:29+00:00
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