The Campey European Pitch Renovation Tour began in earnest last month. Spanning three months, the tour will stop at eight different venues, starting in France, heading to Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark then back to The Netherlands for the final stop near Rotterdam on June 4th, 2015.

Dates are;


Completed  2 pitch renovations in April.


Wednesday 13th May at Swedbank Stadion, Eric Perssons vag 31, 21762 Malmo


Tuesday 19th May at Heteniitynkenttä, Heteniityntie 2 a, 00969 Helsinki

Thursday 21st May at  Pirkkolan Liikuntapuisto, Pirkkolantie 23, 00630 Helsinki


Tuesday 2nd June at Randers FC, Viborgvej 92, 8920 Randers, Denmark


Thursday 4th June Rotterdam area.

The Campey Turf Care Team will be joining its distributors across Europe to support their sales and educational efforts to deliver a clear message – Natural grass pitches, when maintained in an economic and practical way can deliver the best playing surfaces for sportsmen and women everywhere.

By demonstrating the right equipment and teaching how to employ researched and proven techniques for ‘best practise’, Campeys can show how easy it is to bring a massive change to pitch maintenance. One which delivers improved standards and extended playing hours.

Some of the machines being demonstrated like the GT Air Inject Air2G2 have not been seen in these countries and will be a big draw to the groundsmen locally. Others such as the Koro by Imants Field Top Maker with Universe® and Terraplane® rotors, Imants ShockWave and Rotoknife, the Koro Recycling Dresser, Campey Speedresser and the Dakota spreader, may be more familiar.

Richard Campey, managing director highlights the reasons for the excellent turnout whenever they go on tour. “There is a thirst for knowledge and a desire to maximise the value of natural turf pitches in our industry. The international coverage of the web and social networking sites has provided a forum that doesn’t recognise language barriers and borders.

So, information on new products and techniques to maintain natural turf is freely available and ‘talk’ between fellow professionals around the world sparks interest and discussion. We work closely with our distributors to ensure that we can bring the values of ‘best practice’ and the machinery to achieve it, to anyone who shows professional pride in what he or she can achieve.”

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