Week 3

This week I was up in Scotland, at Greenock Morton Football Club, with Richard Haywood and Ethan Yates, here I took part in my first football pitch renovation.

We started sat things up Monday for the Tuesday start of the renovation. It was a three day open house style renovation that allowed people to come in anytime of the week and see different parts of the renovation process that they wanted. I was able to meet a lot of people during these days, and even BBC news came and interviewed Richard about what we were doing to the pitch.

This being my first pitch renovation, it was also my first time seeing and using some of the machines, like the Koro Fieldtop Maker, Recyling Dresser, Dakota spreader, and a Vredo seeder. Luckily enough I caught on quick to what they did and how to use them, making for a good extra helping hand.

Mark Farrel, the head groundsman for the football club, was kind enough to take us out to a night at the cricket club where I was able to see a Scottish cricket pitch and even have a go at trying to hit some balls in the battings cages.

We finished the renovation Thursday right before it started to rain, which was very good timing. We then loaded the truck up and headed back to the Depot, where I met Ian for a weekend at his caravan in Wales.