The Koro Recycling Dresser has helped to solve a problem that has existed for decades at Portmarnock Hotel and Golf Links which is under the stewardship of Links Superintendent Fintan Brennan.

The course which overlooks the Irish Sea was opened in 1995 with Fintan playing a part in its construction in 1993, and moving into his current position in 1999.

Every effort is made by Fintan’s greens team to maintain the course to the highest standards but until recently there was still a compaction issue on the 10th fairway. Several different ways of addressing the issue had been tried without a permanent solution. That is until Product Specialist for Ireland Brian O’Shaughnessy suggested an alternative aeration technique using the Koro Recycling Dresser (RCD).

“The compaction was deep-seated and required a radical change to the soil structure to create any real and lasting improvements to drainage and aeration,” Fintan explains.

“What is exciting about the Koro RCD is the unique way it aerates both horizontally and vertically lifting the soil from the rootzone and redistributing it on the surface. All the goodness, nutrients, underlying fertiliser traces and elements lying dormant in the soil can be revitalised and reused.”

Following the treatment with the Koro RCD, Fintan overseeded and fertilised the fairway and within 12 days started to notice a real difference.

“Since using it we have seen a definite improvement in drainage, the enhanced water movement within the fairway is exactly what we were looking for and the new turf growth is showing as healthy, vibrant and dense.”

The Recycling Dresser was a new approach and has given the treated areas a new lease of life. In addition Fintan is certain the machine will help make significant savings on top dressing, which is good news for his future budget planning.