Jeff Lenihan – University of Nebraska-Lincoln Ohio State Global Intern 2015
After 5,300 miles of traveling in 24 hours, I am finally in the UK, more specifically, Manchester, England. Mr. Campey was waiting to provide a ride back to his house, where I will be staying for a few days. On the way back, we glimpsed a view of some nearby famous soccer players’ houses, including Manchester United and England captain Wayne Rooney’s upscale house.

After a delicious meal of quiche, boiled ham and potatoes, we took a ride around the town, looking at the rolling hills and beautiful scenery. Macclesfield, the area where I am staying currently, is big into raising sheep, and you can even see some in the distance out of my bedroom window in the picture.

Tomorrow, I start work at Campey’s, so I will provide an update after my first day.

Posted 10 May 2015

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