Campey Universe Rotor

Campeys Assist Turf Tonics with the First In-House Pitch Renovation at Wycombe Wanderers

Campey Turf Care Systems has assisted contractors Turf Tonics with the first in-house renovation of Wycombe Wanderers Football Club’s award-winning pitch.  The Buckinghamshire club enjoyed success on two fronts on the pitch during the 2017/18 season, not only achieving automatic promotion to League One but also scooping the League Two Grounds Team of the [...]

Campeys Assist Turf Tonics with the First In-House Pitch Renovation at Wycombe Wanderers2018-06-27T14:54:26+01:00

Bothams Prestige Refine Their Renovations with the new KORO FIELDTOPMAKER 2000

Long-term Campey Turf Care Systems customer Bothams Prestige Sports Turf & Amenity has refined their renovations with the new and improved Koro® FTM® 2000. The Yorkshire company has been buying Campey’s products for 15 years and in that time, they have seen consistent upgrades to machines that maintain their status as the most innovative [...]

Bothams Prestige Refine Their Renovations with the new KORO FIELDTOPMAKER 20002018-06-19T09:16:10+01:00

New England Field Renovation

New England Field Renovation US Pitchcare performed a renovation to a baseball and soccer field with a total of 4 people over 2 days. After completing the renovation the fields received only 1.05" of rain with no additional irrigation supplementation. The fields were playable in 28 days after the project started. READ THE FEATURE HERE [...]

New England Field Renovation2017-03-10T12:43:02+00:00

Fraze Mowing – What – Why – When – How

UNIVERSE® FRAZE MOWING - WHAT - WHY - WHEN - HOW UNIVERSE® Fraze Mowing is a process designed to remove the thatch, organic matter and weed seed from the top layer of a grass surface (¼”-¾” down). While removing this detrimental build up, Universe® Fraze Mowing allows the strongest existing grass plants to remain. This [...]

Fraze Mowing – What – Why – When – How2017-03-10T12:40:08+00:00

The Campey Turf Care Pro-Am

PGA - The Campey Turf Care Pro-Am on Tuesday 23rd May 2017 FREE ENTRY to any member of Greens staff or Greens Chairman holding a CONGU Handicap. A Professional will be allocated to play alongside you following the closing date of the event. If you would like to play with a specific Professional please state [...]

The Campey Turf Care Pro-Am2017-01-24T13:45:29+00:00

Creating innovation!

The January edition of Pitch Care magazine has a great feature on Campey Turf Care Systems celebrating its 30th year of “overwhelming success”.    Richard Campey can be justifiably proud as Campey Turf Care Systems celebrates its 30th year of overwhelming success. And nothing marks this more poignantly than they and American manufacturer GT Air [...]

Creating innovation!2017-01-05T21:59:32+00:00

Campey UK & Ireland Pitch Renovation Tour looks at maximising your maintenance budget

The ninth date of the UK & Ireland Pitch Renovation Tour took place at the home of the Lancashire Football Association in Leyland on Thursday 12th May, with a wide variety of grassroots and professional groundsmen coming to the event Over 80 groundsmen from rugby and football, club officials, contractors and council representatives came to [...]

Campey UK & Ireland Pitch Renovation Tour looks at maximising your maintenance budget2017-09-01T11:53:13+01:00

A Pitchcare insight into the Grassroots Tour

It has been a pleasure to travel up and down the country over the past few weeks, meeting a whole range of turf professionals and volunteers alike. From Fawley and Wokingham on the 19th and 21st of April, to Knutsford, Long Eaton, and Leyland on the 4th, 10th and 12th of May respectively. The opportunity [...]

A Pitchcare insight into the Grassroots Tour2017-09-01T11:53:13+01:00

The Campey UK & Ireland Pitch Renovation Tour gets off to a flying start to help Grassroots pitches

The UK & Ireland Grassroots Pitch Renovation Tour - a series of full pitch renovations aimed at improving the quality of Grassroots natural turf sports pitches across the UK and Ireland is underway. Four venues Cambourne Sports Club, Cambridge, Maidstone South Park courtesy of Maidstone Borough Council, Fawley Parish Council, Hampshire and Cantely Park of [...]

The Campey UK & Ireland Pitch Renovation Tour gets off to a flying start to help Grassroots pitches2017-09-01T11:53:13+01:00

Daten FC invest in new Campey equipment for Culcheth Sports Club with Football Foundation grant

After 20-years of using the same tractor, originally purchased from Campey Turf Care Systems, a £10,000 grant from the Premier League and FA Facilities Fund has provided the means for Daten Football Club to upgrade their maintenance equipment for use at Culcheth Sports Club, Warrington, where the amateur team play their home games. In [...]

Daten FC invest in new Campey equipment for Culcheth Sports Club with Football Foundation grant2017-09-01T11:53:13+01:00
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